Laskutus 2020-21 myyntiluvanhaltijoille (englanniksi)

As we are approaching autumn, we would like to keep you up to date with our invoicing.

According to the FiMVO 2021 budget, the operational fees payable to the Finnish Medicines Verification Organisation in 2021 will be 4 950 EUR/MAH. In case of a significant decrease in the number of MAHs at the end of 2020, this fee might need to be adjusted.

The payments will be due in January 2021 and will be sent out in December 2020.

The second half of the ramp up fee has been set at 750 EUR/MAH and will be invoiced in September 2020. If you require a PO number for this, please send it ASAP to 

Please note that we have been able to reduce the amount of the second fee from the original 2 900 EUR due to savings in the 2019 fiscal year. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!