Workshop myyntiluvanhaltijoille 12.6. - ohjelma julkaistu
Tervetuloa englanninkieliseen keskustelutilaisuuteemme keskiviikkona 12.6.2019. Tilaisuus alkaa klo 10 verkostoitumisella ja brunssilla. Lisätietoja englanniksi alla.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa!
We invite marketing authorisation holders to come and discuss the Medicines Verification System with us on Wednesday 12.6.2019 in Helsinki!
If you cannot make it in person, you can link in with Skype. This link will be sent closer to the day.
Three months after 9th February we have gained a lot of experience, and are keen to share this and discuss on-going issues with you.
In our workshop we will go over the current status of the project, and discuss the use of the system in 2019. We are pleased to annouce we will be joined by Paul Mills, from EMVO.
Please find attached our agenda.
You may register for the event at .
Looking forward to seeing you before summer starts!