The Finnish Medicines Verification Organisation FiMVO (Suomen Lääkevarmennus Oy) is responsible for the setting up and managing the Medicines Verification System in Finland. In accordance with EU legislation, we are a non-profit company.
The company was founded in December 2016. The founders of FiMVO are Pharma Industry Finland, Orion Corporation, the Finnish Generic Pharmaceutical Association, Suppliers of Parallel Imported Medicines in Finland, the Association of Finnish Pharmacies and the Association of Pharmaceutical Distributors.
Hospital pharmacies are also represented in the Steering Group for the ramp-up of the system. In general, the entire Finnish medicines supply chain is heavily involved in building the verification system.
We are responsible for ensuring that the system operates in accordance with the legislation and that all actors in the supply have the opportunity to join the system.
On a European level, the central repository i.e. the EU Hub is managed by the European Medicines Verification Organization (EMVO). Its members are the European pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical wholesalers, pharmacies and hospital pharmacies associations. FiMVO works actively with EMVO. More information is available here.