5. Exceptions returned by the Medicines Verification System

The following table shows the most common exceptions returned by FiMVS. A complete list of all return / alert codes with their descriptions can be found in this document on FiMVO website. NOTE! The description provided by the end user software may differ from the description provided by FiMVS. Users are advised to consult their IT-supplier with regards to this aspect.

Exception messageExplanationReturn code
Return code
(EU Hub)
Guidelines for investigating the exception
The product code is unknown.The used product code is not available in the national system (or in the whole EU market if an intermarket transaction is triggered).41020000#A1If not known, the reason for the pack not being in scope of the medicines verification system should be clarified. This can be done after dispensing. If in doubt as to whether the pack is in scope, check with the MAH or with the wholesaler if the pack is a special license product.
The pack was previously supplied at this location.The user attempted to dispense a pack which has already been dispensed by the same location. The system returns this exception three times before raising an alert.11220200, 11220201#A10Undo the previous action on the pack, i.e. reactivate the pack. If the original transaction was performed not more than 10 days ago, the pack state will be returned to active.
The pack cannot be reactivated. Time limit exceeded.The user attempted to reactivate a pack which has been decommissioned more than 10 days ago and the action cannot be undone anymore.51420002, 51420200, 51420501, 51420601, 51420801#A4Firstly, contact FiMVO, see chapter 6.8
The pack cannot be reintroduced. It was supplied at another location. / The pack cannot be reactivated. It was decommissioned at another location.The user attempted to reactivate a pack which has been decommissioned by a different location. Undo can only be executed by the same location (e.g. the same pharmacy) which performed the initial transaction.51420201, 51420300, 51420400, 51420500, 51420600, 51420700, 51420900#A5Firstly, contact FiMVO, see chapter 6.9
The pack cannot be supplied.The user attempted to dispense a pack belonging to an expired or recalled batch or a withdrawn product.51221000, 51221100, 51221200#A8 / #A9 / #A69The pack should be put aside for investigations. If needed, contact the MAH or the wholesaler if the pack is a special license product.
The pack cannot be decommissioned.The user attempted to decommission (not dispense) a pack belonging to an expired or recalled batch or a withdrawn product.51321000, 51321100, 51321200#A8 / #A9 / #A69The pack should be put aside for investigations. If needed, contact the MAH or the wholesaler if the pack is a special license product.