Alert Handling Guideline has been updated - effective from 16.5.2024

NB. This article has been updated on 12.11.2024

The FiMVO Alert Handling Guideline has been updated with changes introduced by FiMVS release 14 regarding alerts A3 ‘Unknown serial number’ and A68 ‘The batch identifier mismatches the recorded batch identifier’. These alert types now include alternative return codes and messages. In addition, the links regarding lists of FiMVS operation codes and messages have been updated. The chapter regarding the alert of the expiry date mismatch has been updated.

The changes are effective from 16th of May 2024.  

Alert handling guideline for Medicines Verification System for system users / REST API

Lääkevarmennusjärjestelmän hälytysten käsittelyohje / REST API  

Anvisning för hantering av läkemedelsverifikationssystemets larm / REST API

Note. The description provided by the end user software may differ from the description provided by FiMVS. This should be verified with your own IT supplier if necessary.

Please send any feedback on the guideline (as well as any alert related support queries) to